Elvira is My Spirit Animal
Throwing shade in Elvira’s sweet but haughty voice: “Not to be a bitch sweetheart but your hairstyle is atrocious. I much prefer you without a beehive on your head like this. It’s giving Catherine Zeta-Jones.”
I couldn’t believe the amount of overt sexual innuendos present when I watched Mistress of the Dark for the first time last night. The hot dog that fell on her chest, the Amish man and woman checking her out, my gosh the tomatoes in that movie. But it was so freaking hilarious. The screenplay and the dramatic delivery of the actors was perfection. The most shocking part of all? I didn’t know George Santos was in this! 👀 Wouldn’t he have been like only 2 months old at the time of the release date?
Oh wait- that was Kurt Fuller.

But still- the resemblance is uncanny.
Elvira absolutely hating her job despite being known as the Queen of Horror is so me. Gagging from faking it is something I actually do when I’m feeling too petty to be a lady. That’s why you gotta choose happiness ladies and a job that is actually rewarding. 👸
Elvira destroying every pig that tries to come on to her.