Marie Antionette
"I think she’s delightful. She looks like a little piece of cake." 🍰
Her adorable pug <3
The more "boujee" dogs of France
Constant invasion of privacy in her royal chamber.
"This is ridiculous."
"This madam is Versailles."
"So I heard you make keys."
"And you enjoy making keys?"
Making fun of people
The most awkward husband of the year award
"I think she’s delightful. She looks like a little piece of cake." 🍰
Foodies paradise
Clapping at the opera like a queen
What can fill the void of not producing an heir before your rivals? Champagne towers, shopping and cake! Cause a pregnant woman can’t drink ;)
Running away to the masked ball
Christian Grey- I mean the Swiss Count- has bewitched the duchess??
Best birthday party ever!
Spending problem so ordering the small oak trees instead of the large ones.
Tea from China. "It’s Jasmine." 😏
Hanging out at the village farm with little Marie
Marie performs at the theater.
Saying she never said Let them eat cake.
"Are you admiring your lime avenue?"
"I’m saying goodbye."