My Beautiful Baby
Our baby is officially an infant today, not a newborn… :,( A lot has happened the past 6 months since I blogged about Hocus Pocus. The most memorable Halloween-themed gender reveal party, an unforgettable baby shower, Alexander’s birth, and already a week past since his 40-day blessing, an Orthodox Church tradition. Being a mother is the most beautiful thing, and it is wonderful when you have a village to help raise your baby. My mother has been the most tremendous help, and I will forever be grateful to her. I cannot imagine what I would have done without her. Because of her, Alexander is being raised in a loving home without overly stressed, sleep deprived parents. He is the absolute cutest thing, who LOVES to eat, and is already mostly wearing 3-6 month clothes. He is strong- has been trying to support his own head from birth- and very loving. He loves to have company over, and hearing voices around him. He has the most beautiful blue eyes, and looks so much like me when I was a baby. He is our world, and I pray he will always be healthy and happy. <3

One of my favorite photos of him, taken when he was just 15 days old. He was already so alert and already doing tummy time!