My First Time Watching Hocus Pocus

The best part of Hocus Pocus- and in my opinion the only reason to watch- is the part of the movie when the Sanderson sisters assimilate into society on Halloween night. It’s hilarious how everyone they interact with do not take them seriously as real witches- just kookie adults. And it’s clear the sisters love the attention, from the bus driver to the guy dressed as the devil to singing at the Halloween adult party. It’s clear they have no desire to harm adults (except for “Medusa” who was trying to spoil their fun) just a desire to scare all the children.
Funniest Quotes:
Winnie: “Tell me friend- what is this contraption?”
Bus Driver: “I call it”- spits gum- “a bus.”
Bus Driver: “Party pooper.” Winnie’s side eye instead of threatening him.
Sarah: “Farewell mortal bus boy!”
The sisters are then freaked out seeing that “Medusa” is betrothed to the devil.
Medusa: “Are you broads a little old to be trick or treating?”
Winnie: “We’ll be younger in the morning.” ;)
Xoxo 💋