The Heartbreakers
When I was a young girl in Greece, I had a crush on a guy whose named started with eeta (American letter E that looks like an H in Greek) One night, my family members and I were messing around with a superstitious practice of swinging a cross while reciting the alphabet to see what letter the love of your life’s name will start with. To my horror, it landed on an M, not an H. For reference, when I went back to Greece, eeta was totally not attractive anymore. Since my fate was an M, I had the pleasure (eye roll) of developing either little or significant crushes on 5 men whose names started with an M (two of them even with the same name).
Of course, the love of my life’s name starts with a P, because he is Prince Phillip. Did I mention he is my favorite prince and Sleeping Beauty is my favorite princess? Another coincidence! <3
Don’t stop believing in fairytales, girls!